Developing our advice services


Care Rights UK runs a unique advice service providing in-depth support to older people, their families and carers to empower them to get the best care and support possible, particularly in care homes.

Given the growing scale of problems faced by older people needing care, the demands already placed on the service and its limited capacity, the charity is keen to explore:

  • how to increase capacity and make better use of resources to empower more older people and families

  • use the information to better influence the future of the care system

  • develop an advice service fit for the future using technology and providing the right level of support for those who need it most

Could you help us?

We are seeking a consultant with a track record in running and developing helplines and advice services to:

  • review the current advice service to understand how it's delivered and its outcomes, talking with the charity's staff, leaders and people who use the service where possible, and analysis of other helplines along with any data on our potential service demand

  • advise on how the service could be developed over the next five years to support and empower more people, the use of technology and different methods of delivery and models of service e.g. triage, AI

  • report on the above and recommend ways forward for the charity's CEO and Board, along with potential costings for implementation, timescales etc. 

We are seeking tenders for this time limited piece of work to be completed by the end of February 2025. We anticipate it taking around five days. Tenders should be submitted by 9am on Monday 2 December 2024 to

Download this information in the Consultancy Tender


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