Evidence to coronavirus inquiry

12 August 2020

The Relatives & Residents Association gave evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Coronavirus about the Government’s response to the pandemic. We raised concerns about the lack of understanding of the care sector at the top of Government, the lack of support for care users and staff, and the impact of lock-down and isolation.

We expressed our concern and disappointment at the Government’s lack of strategic action in managing and responding to the impact of COVID-19 on the social care system in England, including:

  • There appears to be a serious and continuing lack of understanding about the care sector at the top of government.

  • Action was taken too late to protect those known to be most at risk.

  • The basic tools to manage the virus have still not been provided for the sector, for example testing and PPE.

  • Guidance has too often been confused, inadequate and late.

  • The emphasis on protecting the NHS has produced responses and policies which were and are harmful to those receiving and delivering care elsewhere.

  • At times, the response has devalued the lives of older people.

  • As a result, COVID-19 has had a disproportionately devastating impact on older people needing care.

Our evidence was covered widely in the national press, including the Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, Daily Mail and Mirror and on the BBC Radio 4 Today Programme. The evidence session can be watched here. Our written evidence to the APPG is available here.


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