My husband was moved to an unsuitable (and more expensive) care home

Mrs Baker rang our Helpline after her husband had been discharged from hospital into another and more expensive care home, some distance from where she lived.

He was unhappy there as, unlike his previous home, it was much larger and more impersonal. He felt lost in it. She was very upset as she did not think he was getting the care he needed nor how she could meet the additional demanded £500 per week top-up.

Living in a village with no access to a computer or vehicle, she had been excluded from the discharge decisions. She had tried to get help from the local council since the move but without success.

With her permission we contacted the council on her behalf to request an immediate review of his placement and challenge it as unsafe. As a result, Mr Baker was visited by a social worker two days later and it was agreed that he should be moved back to his previous care home, where he was happy, with no need for Mrs Baker to top up his fees. Mr and Mrs Baker also received an apology from the council.

Mrs Baker later wrote to us to tell us that Mr Baker was now settled back in his original home and said:

‘Thank you so much, without you I was lost fighting the council.’

Help us to support more people like Mrs Baker


Married couple reunited after being placed in different care homes