Married couple reunited after being placed in different care homes
Mrs A rang the Helpline in great distress. While her father had been living happily in a care home for some time, the local authority moved her mother into a different care home as an emergency after she became ill. Mrs A wanted to see them reunited but was struggling to have her mother moved to the same home as her father.
She felt the local authority was being unhelpful and oblivious to the impact the separation was having on her parents.
R&RA’s experienced helpline worker talked Mrs A through the options, explaining her parents’ legal rights, as well as the local authority’s discretionary powers. Armed with her new knowledge, Mrs A challenged the local authority’s decision and re-asserted the needs of her parents.
We were delighted when Mrs A rang back to thank us after the local authority agreed to reunite her parents, moving her mother into her father’s home.